Quick note from Tiffany: A very Happy Chinese New Year! Time flies, and we are already on our second month of 2014 in a blink of an eye! How many of your New Year Resolutions have you made and break? Fret not, as there’s still Chinese New Year (haha, it’s still considered a “New Year” right?) In line with the festive period, a friend, Belinda has kindly contributed a 2014 tarot reading for the twelve zodiac signs. I’ve met Belinda during a gathering, and she had done a reading for me which came out to be pretty accurate! Enjoy!
2014 Tarot Reading for Horse
a) General – The tower/7 of swords
This year, horses may face a lot of sudden changes in life. Such changes are too sudden for a horse, resulting in initial chaos and breakdown. There will be sudden breakdown in certain friendships, career or finance. However, such changes should not be seen as a bad thing, but rather as a change that allows you to re-build certain issue in life and re-enforce to be better. However, from environment, horse has to be careful of political issue like people bad-stabbing and also people stealing your ideas or money. A lot of scheming people around you this year.
b) Career/work – knight of wands
Seems either you feel like want to move out of the field/company that you have been working for a long time. For those looking for job, you can try your best to go seek for opportunities and news of such may appear in-front of you easily. Some will have the luck of having job offers, if so you can consider whether to accept it. However you must beware of the possibility that this new company may have sudden changes in your job scope or career structure. For the younger generation, a career which involve travelling or in the travel industry seems to be better.
c) Finance – 3 of pentacles
Finance is stable but for some people, it may not as good as last year. You have to work very hard to get the money and there may be no time for rest. Money may be spend on renovations or household things or sudden repair and maintenance relating to house. Remember not to overspend.
d) Romance – Page of cups
Seems like younger horses have good news for romance. There are many suitors or admirers present. However, they may be just a short fling or crush. For single horse, you may meet someone of the same age and have interest on him/her. But this relationship is quite short-lived. It also indicate that young horse may prefer to be alone and focus more on himself or herself. Those who are attached, be careful of third party – a younger guy/girl will interrupt your existing love life. Or dating horse may care more about himself/herself thus neglecting the feeling of his or her own partner. As for married horse, there may be news of the pregnancy. The focus will be on the child itself, neglecting the spouse.
e) Belinda’s Advice – 9 of pentacles
This is a year you have to work independently on your own. Visit the neighboring parks for a quick stroll or have some personal time/space. Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the surroundings. Learn to relax!
2014 Tarot Reading for Goat
a) General – Hierophant/4 of swords
This year, the progress for goat will be a slow and steady one. Everything is stable and at peace. Be it at work, business or family, it is a year to build and withhold your system. It is a year to establish and protect a company or family system and work in an old and traditional way. Goats may have the possibility of studying or learning more things related to religion. It is also maybe a year where you teach or guide people. And it is also a year for some goats to have mentors around to guide you. With 4 of swords in the environment, it is good that goats stay low profile to avoid unnecessary rumours spreading. Further, it also indicated that goats must have good rest so that health would not be affected. Sleep and meditation is a very useful health remedy for goats this year.
b) Career/work – Page of wands
This year goats may have good news in their work. There may be new responsibility and challenges in work. There may also be new career opportunities. It is like a new phase in your career, where you feel very motivated. This year, goat will also be able to enjoy fruits from the project/business/work that he/she has started some time ago. If goats want to change jobs, it is quite a promising year for changes. As long as you remain low profile when you join new places, everything will be well.
c) Finance – 9 of pentacles
Goats’ finance is stable. This year, they may have a chance to own properties or to pursue real-estate investments. Main key for goat is to trust yourself and follow your instincts. The financial year seems to allow you to save, spend, earn and have a comfortable way of handling money. Although finance will be spent on travelling, goats can still manage comfortably.
d) Romance – 10 of cups
Good news for goat this year in terms of romance and harmony with family. For single ones– there is a possibility that you may find someone soon and this person is the one that you want to settle down with and get marry soon. Marriage cards seem strong for singles this year; for the man that they meet is someone who hopes to get married and settled down fast. For those dating – this is a period where marriage will happen or can consider to get marry this year. This is a good year for dating goat to get marry. For those in marriage – generally, marriage is considered happy and fulfilling. Couples can also consider having babies this year.
e) Belinda’s Advice – Death
You may feel overwhelmed by this year’s sudden changes. The key words to handle your whole year are – accept changes, don’t resist and be positive. Always remember changes are for the better.
2014 Tarot Reading for Monkey
a) General – The devil/6 of swords
Monkeys may experience a lot of fear, boredom, dissatisfaction and insecurity. This year, monkeys don’t feel good or find their environment doing any good to them. They find themselves in constant fear, insecurity and trying to be controlling. The more they find themselves try to control someone, the more they will not be able to. With devil appearing, all monkeys must be warned not to involve with infidelity for it can create more constant fear, insecurity and threats will appear. Moreover, with 6 of swords appearing, there may be the possibility that monkey will be attending more funerals this year. Having such an environment, monkey seems to want to walk away or avoid. Someone close may also be leaving them for another place, making them feel at loss.
b) Career/work – knight of wands
Linked with the above devil, it seems to me that monkey may feel bored with their career jobs and wanted to look for opportunities outside. The strong sense of fear and insecurity are always surrounding monkeys this year, making him/her want to leave their current jobs. If those looking for job, monkeys can try your best to go seek for opportunities and such employment news may appear in-front of you easily. Some may receive job offers, if so you can consider whether to accept it. However, monkeys have to bear in mind such environment of fear, boredom and insecurity would often appear in front of you even if you are at your new work place. In the new work place, there is a possibility that many will also see office politics happening around them. You may find someone trying to control you so that you will not be of a threat to them.
c) Finance – 8 of pentacles
In 2014, monkeys have to work hard and alone. With the new work environment, monkeys seems to work hard for money. The finance will be stable as long as effort is put in. It seems that you won’t have the time to spend on the money you earn, so do save them up.
d) Romance – king of cups
In 2014, it seems that male will have better luck in love. Single – male monkey seems to be having better sense of fashion and charm. As a result, they may have lots of attention from the opposite sex. As for female monkey, a man – elegant, mature and have great taste in food and arts will appear in your life. However, you have to be careful of such guys, for they love to tell white lies to get your heart.
For those who are attached, the male would be the one in charge of the relationship. However, male monkey have to control your sensitive mood as it will greatly affect your relationship. As for female monkey, you have to be sensitive to your partner’s feelings, for their mood will influence your emotional factor this year. Married couples – same as the dating monkeys, must beware of your spouse’s feelings and mood swings. Don’t be too sensitive and moody as such feelings can drive one to depression, especially for married males. Married females, don’t get involved with any extramarital affairs. The third party will take revenge on you later on or your spouse might fall into depression.
e) Belinda’s Advice – the sun
This is a year of handling new work place, handling fear of someone leaving or pass away. This will make you feel tired and depressed. As such, the key words to handle your year of 2014 are – be positive, don’t over burn or over think. Go for more morning walks to breath in fresh air, and learn to relax yourself.
2014 Tarot Reading for Rooster
a) General – the high priestess/2 of swords
For rooster, there are some changes secretly taking place at your working place, especially if you are at the management level. Your higher management may be planning for some secret internal structure change, although nothing is announced yet. Once announced, such things will be executed in a surprise manner. For example, some directors or high management level managers may resigned suddenly and their work is taken over by others. So roosters who are at such high level, be prepared for some changes. With 2 of swords, as the environment cards, there seems to be also a lot of rumours and gossips going around in 2014. So beware and stay alert. Don’t be too involved in gossips and rumours with your colleagues especially female colleagues.
b) Career/work – knight of wands
It seems to me that rooster would have a higher chance to work overseas or if you change your job scope or company position. For those looking for job, you can try your best to go seek for opportunities andjob offers may appear in-front of you easily. However you must beware of the possibility that this new company will have internal structure change. Young roosters involve in jobs related to travelling or in travel industry will do better.
c) Finance – page of pentacles
For rooster, 2014 seems to be stable and growing. This year rooster seems to be able to manage their finance well. They’ve learn to save and may consider to try to go into investment. If so, it is advisable for rooster not to do any high risk investment (try low risk investment!). If you have to, learn and research before dealing with high risk investment. All in all finance is stable and strong for this year.
d) Romance – 10 of cups
Good news for rooster in terms of romance and harmony with family. For singles – there are a possibility that you may find some one soon and this person is the one that you want to settle down with and get marry soon. For those dating – this is a period where marriage will happen. 2014 can be considered a good year for dating rooster to get marry. For those in marriage – generally, marriage is happy and fulfilling. Couples can consider having babies this year. However, married or dating roosters (especially the male) must be wary of infidelity. There seems to be another woman appearing and will try to break your relationship. Don’t get involved.
e) Belinda’s Advice – Queen of wands
Rumours and management changes may make you lose heart or confidence. This year, you have to show who is the boss. The key words to handle your 2014 are – confidence, loyalty, purpose, spontaneous and authoritative.
2014 Tarot Reading for Dog
a) General – high priestess/10 of swords
Similarly for dog, there are some changes secretly taking place at your working place, especially if you are at the management level. Your higher management may be planning for some secret internal structure change, although nothing is announced yet. Once announced, such things will be executed in a surprise manner. For example, some directors or high management level managers may resigned suddenly and their work is taken over by others. So if you are at such high level, be prepared for some changes. With 10 of swords appearing in your environment, such changes may put you in agony due to the work uncertainties and unhappiness. It may also put negative thoughts and doubts in your work. There may be some things that dogs want to do to end their agony in relationships.
b) Career/work – ace of wand
Due to the sudden changes in management, dogs may be looking for other opportunities in life or they may start to like their jobs. There seems to be a new sign or light in your working environment, where you may be assigned new jobs or assignment. It also indicates that if dogs are looking for something new, they will most likely get what they want. 2014 seems like a new beginning in a work place for dogs.
c) Finance – 9 of pentacles
Dog’s finance is stable in 2014. They may have a possible chance to own properties or to pursue in real-estate investments. Trust yourself and follow your instincts. You will be able to save, spend and earn and have a comfortable way of handling money.
d) Romance – 7 of cups
In 2014, dog’s romance is not so good. Single dogs – you may have several suitors to choose on hand. Don’t rush into any relationships. You must have a clear mind of what you want and the people you want in life. If you rush into a relationship, this relationship will not last long. For ladies, beware of becoming another’s man’s lover or mistress unknowingly. Those attached or married– a lot of suitors may be attracted to you especially married man or woman. Beware of such attractions, for it would harm your current stable relationship. With high priestess as the major cards, there may be a possibility that men will have infidelity or women may feel very lonely and betray her partner or being betrayed. This kind of relationship will greatly harm one’s marriage life, so both sides must resist temptation.
e) Belinda’s Advice – Death
Sudden management or love changes may happen making you feel overwhelmed or lost. Key words to handle your 2014 are – accept changes, don’t resist it and be positive. Always remember changes are for the better.
2014 Tarot Reading for Pig
a) General – The hanged man/queen of swords
For those in the year of Pig, you will be required to put in a lot more effort than before to have your work done. A lot of things seems to be stuck and there will be times you feel trapped. It seems that you will face a lot of cross roads during decision making. You can’t have the best of both worlds and have to make sacrifices. This year, you will seem to be unable to achieve your goals, if not, you will have to make a lot of sacrifices. With queen of swords appearing in the environment, it also indicates that females has to make quick decisions when dealing with choices. For men, you might have a female superior exerting pressure on you to make fast decisions when facing problems.
b) Career/work – Queen of wands
This year, ladies’ career seems to be better than the male. You may be busy with the work load or from frequent business trips. This year the ladies will have more authority or be in control. Seems like the ladies will have a higher chance of promotion or you may have a female boss that gives you good support. But you have to watch out for your over-confident attitude as it will offend people easily. This year you are aggressive, loud, confident and spontaneous in your work.
c) Finance – 5 of pentacles
You may find yourself busy with your work schedule, resulting in poor health. Money is often spent on doctors and recovery. Older people have to be careful of their health due to the sudden and quick changing in their environment such as relocation or changes in their job scope. For the ladies, you may want to pamper yourself after a day of hard work, resulting in overspending. Avoid overbuying to vent your unhappiness in your relationship. Be careful in what you invest in, and avoid investment if possible.
d) Romance – Ace of cups
Relationship is good and refreshing. New flow of water keeps filling the cups with love. For singles – there is a possibility that a new love would appear in your life. Those who are attached– your current love relationship is going to turn better and maybe even move on to next stage. For married couples– love is rekindled and sparkling your relationship. Both of you may consider to go for cruise or short trip related to water sport to enhance your marriage life.
e) Belinda’s Advice – the high priestess
2014 is a year of crossroads and career for those in the year of Pig. Advice for this year:- trust your own instinct. Keep cool and calm when making decision. Use your power of wisdom and knowledge to overcome the obstacles.
2014 Tarot Reading for Rat
a) General – Wheel of fortune/2 of swords
This year rats’ fortune have lots of ups and down, just like a wheel. Sometimes when you are at the low end, your luck may suddenly go up again. However, when you are at the top of your wheel, your luck or fate may go downhill. With 2 of swords appearing in your environment, your judgment is impaired, increasing your uncertainties.You will hear a lot of gossips or discover that people won’t listen to your advice. What you can do is to walk away from them.
b) Career/work – 9 of wands
There will be a lot of projects given to you to handle. However, there is a high tendency for communication breakdown. Your colleagues may not understand the information given to them, or vice versa. For the year of 2014, workload and communication problem are the major obstacles hindering your work progress.
c) Finance – 3 of pentacles
Finance is stable but it may not be as good as the previous year. You have to work very hard to get the money and there will be no time to rest. Money may be spent on renovations, household products, or even sudden repair/maintenance for the house. Remember not to overspend.
d) Romance – Queen of cups
In 2014, it seems that female will have better luck in love. Single – ladies seem to be having better sense of fashion. As a result, you may have more suitors this year. As for men, a lady– elegant, mature and have great taste in food and arts will appear in your life. For those who are attached, the ladies will be the one in charge of the relationship. However, ladies should not be too sensitive and moody as it will greatly affect your relationship. As for men, you have to be sensitive to your partner’s feelings, for their mood will influence your emotions this year. Married couples – same as those in relationships, must beware of your spouse’s feelings and mood swings. Don’t be too sensitive and moody as such feelings can drive one to depression, especially for married ladies. Married men must not be involved with any extramarital affairs. The third party will take revenge on you later on or your spouse might fall into depression.
e) Belinda’s Advice – 8 of cups
This year is a year of ups and downs. This would make you feel tired and some what depressed. As such, the key words to handle your whole year are – walk away from negativity, give up things that no longer has a purpose and have a good rest so that new ideas can always turn up.
2014 Tarot Reading for Ox
a) General – the hierophant/4 of swords
The progress for ox will be slow and steady in 2014. Everything is stable and at peace. Be it on work, business or family, it is a year to build and withhold your systems. It is a year to establish and protect a company or family system and work in a traditional way. You may want to study and learn more about religions. It is also a year where you teach or guide people. And it is also a year for you to have mentors around to guide you. With 4 of swords in the environment, it is good that you stay low profile to avoid unnecessary rumours spreading. Further, it also indicated that goats must have good rest so that health would not be affected. Sleep and meditation is a very useful health remedy for goats this year.
b) Career/work – queen of wands
Ladies’ career seems to be better than the men’s in 2014. You may be busy travelling around most of the times due to business. If not, the ox will be busy due to work. However, the ox will have more authority or power to handle their work especially for the ladies. Female will also have a higher chance to have promotion or they will have a female boss that gives them good support. But you have to watch out for your overconfident attitude as it may offend people. This year ox will be aggressive, loud, confident and spontaneous in their work.
c) Finance – 4 of pentacles
This year you may find yourself having lesser chances to spend money due to your busy work schedule or you may find yourself trying to cut costs due to your expensive travel packages. You may find yourself changing your finance plans or consultants. It seems to me that you will try to keep to a budget and others will find you stingy. Ladies will spend too much on yourself especially on your clothing and travel, resulting in the need to tighten your belts.
d) Romance – knight of cups
Romance for ox is quite fun and progressive. Single ox – this is a year where you may chance upon fun and delightful people. This person may be someone who make you feel that he/she is your true love. Enjoy this fun relationship if you wanted to get involved. But be mindful, not to let it come stagnant. If you are attached, you and your partner have some progress in your relationship. You may be discussing about marriage or staying together. Plan cruise trips to enhance/strength this relationship bond. Married ox – it seems that you and your married spouse are enjoying your marriage life. Also both of you will plan for travel this year. Go ahead, as it will strength your family and marriage bond.
e) Belinda’s Advice – 9 of wands
2014 is a busy year for ox in terms of career. It makes you feel sore headed and not wanting to communicate with others. You will also feel lonely and moody. The key words to handle your whole year are – stay positive, don’t be too defensive and believe that any obstacles can be resolved.
2014 Tarot Reading for Tiger
a) General – the world/ace of swords
There are major movements/shifts happening in 2014 for those in the year of Tiger. There will be changes in your main career or job scope. You may also migrate or move overseas to work or be transferred internally to another department, resulting in a change in job scope. Older ones may travel more due to work. However, due to maybe the sudden shift of job scope, main career or migration, it is likely that tigers especially ladies spending more than she earn. With ace of swords around, however, it indicates the need to give clear cut and directive instruction. It gives you better clarity to understand certain issue related to your queries/doubts.
b) Career/work – Queen of wands
Ladies’ career seems to be better than the men’s in 2014. You may be busy travelling around most of the times due to business. If not, tigers will be busy due to work load. However, the tigers will have more authority or power to handle their work especially for the ladies. Female will also have a higher chance to have promotion or they will have a female boss that gives them good support. But you have to watch out for your overconfident attitude as it may offend people. This year tiger will be aggressive, loud, confident and spontaneous in their work.
c) Finance – 5 of pentacles
You may find yourself busy with your work schedule, resulting in poor health. Money is often spent on doctors and recovery. Older tigers have to be careful of their health due to the sudden and quick changing in their environment such as relocation or changes in their job scope. For the ladies, you may want to pamper yourself after a day of hard work, resulting in overspending. Avoid overbuying to vent your unhappiness in your relationship. Be careful in what you invest in, and avoid investment if possible.
d) Romance – 5 of cups
Love for tiger can be quite disappointing. Single tiger – this is the year where your love is rejected. It also indicates that you have yet to let go of the previous relationship. You will keep pondering about it and feel dejected. Dating and married tigers – you and your partner have some issues in your relationship. Especially female tigers, you often find your partners not supportive and always turn their back when you are feeling sad. Talk it out and express your concern over such matters. Compromise and be more understanding. Don’t be too domineering.
e) Belinda’s Advice – 9 of wands
2014 is a busy year for tigers in terms of career. It makes you feel sore headed and not wanting to communicate with others. You will also feel lonely and moody. The key words to handle your whole year are – stay positive, don’t be too defensive and believe that any obstacles can be resolved. Talk to people to share your woes and disappointment.
2014 Tarot Reading for Rabbit
a) General – Emperor/3 of swords
2014 is a year of hard work for the rabbits. The more you work, the more earnings or accomplishment you will have (especially those doing business). It is not a year to be lazy but to work hard. A year to plan, organized and set up structure/system in your company or when work for a company. However, rabbit must be careful with their health, especially for the older people as heart problems may become an issue this year. This year, you may experience betrayal which gives you heart pains. You may feel that the environment is working against you, making you feel abandoned or betrayed.
b) Career/work – 3 of wards
This year, there will be many new opportunities appearing in front of you. It will most likely be a new position, job offers or a change in duties. It seems to be a good year to venture outside and it will be good to go on short trips. Overseas luck seems to be better. But as indicate above, there needs to be hard work so plan and organized well. It will be to work in an MNC or under an older man that is authoritative and strict.
c) Finance – 2 of pentacles
Finance-wise, there seems to be some struggles. But 2 of pentacles can also indicate a balance – a balance of planning, organizing and strict budget. Finance can be better when the balance is maintained. Therefore it will be good to keep a record of expenses and income.
d) Romance – 4 of cups
A lot of frustration seems to be surrounding the rabbits this year. Single – there will be a lot of options for you to choose from but none of them is what you prefer. Even if there is one guy who appears to be sincere, you also don’t feel that he is the one for you. For those attached –relationship seems stagnant. Rabbits feel bored about their current relationship. A suggestion is to bring the relationship to the next level by settling down. Married rabbits – your boredom in marriage may drive you to think about having an affair. Well, it is not advisable as it will destroy your happiness and family.
e) Belinda’s Advice – Empress
Don’t be too controlling and naggy. Don’t keep spending on extravagant food or clothing. If you meet any obstacles, do heed advice from a woman like your mum, wife or someone you feel you can listen to. Look out for older (motherly) women.
2014 Tarot Reading for Dragon
a) General – the world/7 of swords
There are major movements/shifts happening in 2014 for those in the year of Dragon. There will be changes in your main career or job scope. You may also migrate or move overseas to work or be transferred internally to another department, resulting in a change in job scope. Dragon has to be careful of issue like bad-stabbing and people stealing your ideas. There are a lot of scheming people around you this year. Be careful when travelling as there might be a loss of belongings due to theft.
b) Career/work – king of wands
Men’s career seems to be better than female in 2014. Dragon will either be busy with their heavy work load or travelling around most of the time due to business. However, the dragons will be given more authority or power to handle their work especially for the men. Men will have a higher chance to get promoted or they have a boss who supports them. But dragons have to watch out their temper for this year, as you may be aggressive and offend people easily. For older men, you will be busy travelling for leisure and health is actually quite good. Just watch out for illness like high blood pressure.
c) Finance – 4 of pentacles
This year, dragons may find themselves having lesser chances to spend money due to their busy work schedule or they may find themselves trying to cut costs due to their expensive travel packages. They may find themselves changing their finance plans or their bankers. It seems to me that dragons would try to budget on their finance and others will find them stingy. Men will spend too much on themselves especially on their clothing and travel, resulting in the need to tighten their belts.
d) Romance – king of cups
2014 can be one of the most romantic and emotional year for you. Single – a romantic yet temperamental person will appear in-front of you. This person can be wishy-washy in decision making. During dates he/she will give you all the attention that you want however this person can be clingy. Dragons who are attached –relationship is highly emotional. This year it seems to me that men want to be more romantic, lovely and clingy to his partner. However, this can lead to argument between couples when young dragon cannot manage their emotions well. Married dragons – you can enjoy your nice and sweet moments with family. However, emotions must be managed well as you are the one who can make the family happy.
e) Belinda’s Advice – 3 of wands
As it is a busy year for you, it is good to go for a short trip and have some great fun. Trips can provide a change in your luck or better your finance situation. The key words to handle your whole year are – travel, fun, propose new ideas, look beyond your comfort zone and accept new ideas or new things.
2014 Tarot Reading for Snake
a) General – Sun/4 of swords
Snakes will be busy with work in 2014. There will be a lot of opportunities appearing. Generally we can say it will be better than last year. Things are starting to look brighter and a lot more positive. It is also an indication that work is starting to get busy. There will also be more work load. Your work and social life are also getting more active and positive than the previous year. For work, it is improving and getting stable. Not only that, you will become popular among peers and also at your work place. As such, it is good that snakes stay low profile to avoid unnecessary rumours spreading. Snakes must rest well so that health would not be affected. Sufficient sleep and mental rest is a very useful health remedy for snakes this year.
b) Career/work – 7 of wands
With the sun supporting, there are tendency for snakes to have a lot of good opportunities in work. However, such opportunities also bring a lot of internal turmoil. There will be a lot of office politics which in turn create misunderstanding. You may have a lot of struggles when it comes to decision making and also at times get stuck in turmoil. However, with the sun’s support, snakes can make it through and break through such internal turmoil and unpleasant surroundings.
c) Finance – knight of pentacles
In 2014, snakes have one or two windfall luck. By doing your research and playing on your hunch, you may win big. Don’t spend it unnecessarily. For those people doing business or working, they may find their finance moving slow even though a lot of hard work is put in. Don’t give up and continue to work hard. Rewards will be yours for sure.
d) Romance – 3 of cups
There might be a reunion with a lost love. However, this kind of love may not always indicate that it is right. Single snakes – there will be a lot of entertaining work and also celebration events are on your plate. Go mingle and get a chance to meet more people. Chances of getting into relationship are higher. But snakes have to beware of love triangle. Those dating – this year you have to be careful of involving yourself in a love triangle. It is possible that dating snakes may fall for another person resulting into love affairs. Therefore those attached have to be more careful. Married couples can consider having babies. However, as snakes are busy with work and entertainment this year, the tendency for their partners to feel neglect is higher. Therefore, snakes must be careful not to neglect their partners resulted in unnecessary love triangles. Snakes also have to be careful, for due to your popularity, you may also invite unnecessary love affairs. Temptation must be resisted.
e) Belinda’s Advice – 8 of pentacles
In 2014, snakes will be burnt out easily and be busy with work. You cannot really depend on people to help you. Thus, you have to work hard and be independent. Do more research and study. Take time to rest and have a breather.
Hope this general reading will help shed some light to your future! Don’t hesitate to give me feedback by commenting below! If you hope to have a detailed analysis, feel free to contact me for a thorough reading!
Happy Chinese New Year!
By Belinda Liew
Belinda is a certified as a Tarot and Numerology Master. In 2011, she completed the course as Certified Tarot and Numerology Consultant with Renae & Paul Metaphysics Academy. Thereafter, she had been giving private consultations to local clients. Belinda has participated in many prestigious events such as Her World Brides Fabulous Wedding (SPH Magazine), Jobs Central Career Fair, NTU, Munich fleamarket etc.
For a more in-depth reading, you may visit http://www.tarotwithbelinda.com/ or contact her at +65 9767 0816.

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!
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Hi is your acne healed ? Any recommendations ?
Hi Anne, do you have a picture of your face?
If you want a quicker form of recovery on the surface, I will suggest to go facial at https://tiffanyyong.com/2013/07/02/be-acne-free-part3-sylvia-skin-atelier/
If yours is because of hormonal problems, I will suggest TCM at https://tiffanyyong.com/2013/05/13/be-acne-free-part1-han-dian-tcm-clinic/
Depending on your budget, it is better for you to target your problems from both the surface and your body. Both the salon and clinic provides free consultation and discounted packages if you quote my name and decide to try it out. P.S. I say that because I still do have some break outs once in a while despite regular facials because of my irregular period! >.< Hope this helps! Do update me with your decision and if my recommendation helps!