P.S. My dearest lappy has broken down on me (I think he’s angry with me for saying I want a new laptop on my SAYS post), so I could not blog about many of the events I went to! But here’s something interesting I read about… men experiencing the pain of childbirth…
Dutch Host Dennis Storm and Valerio Zeno Experience Pain of Childbirth

So these 2 hosts wanted to experience for themselves how it feels to be giving birth. They wanted to challenge the worst pain ever. So they used electro-stimulations to simulate contractions so as to experience it for themselves DA PAIN OF CHILDBIRTH!
Propped on a bed with electrodes attached to their abdomens, Storm and Zeno last through two hours of the simulated contractions. Though they try to laugh through the strain, the men appear to be in complete misery as they double over and clutch pillows tightly. -huffingtonpost.com

Warning: the video is not dubbed nor does it have any english subtitles.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlsPXpR2ORU]
News source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com

Similarly, Dr. Andrew Rochford went through the entire childbirth experience during a similar simulation for Australian TV show “What’s Good For You” in 2009. After more than two hours of contractions, Rochford started using some choice words, explaining that he could now “understand why women swear.”

I thought this was a more well-rounded video, besides the fact that it’s in English (:P) Dr Andrew also narrates the show which enable us to understand what he felt after the show.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AdFdmE9A84]
“Men of the world, you have no idea. Leave it to the women. Forget the whole pain threshold debate. We have nothing. Women win. Men don’t. The end.” -Dr Andrew Rochford
After watching these videos, I wonder how many other guys out there are willing to try out and go through the simulation to understand how it feels. The whole video may seem interesting, but guess what, the real childbirth process is DEFINITELY not that like that. These men can even “surrender” and stop trying the pain after few hours, but for the women who had gone through the labour, do you think they can say “STOP” or “PAUSE”?
After watching these videos, I hope married guys will appreciate their wife and the pain they have to go through. So don’t keep gallivanting outside when your wife is pregnant! Imagine the amount of pain she had to go through, physically and psychologically if she found out! As for kids, your mum went through hell so that you can come to this world. So, we as children should try to be more understanding!
Of course, even I myself have yet to experience the pain. And I’m seriously considering to ask my future husband (whoever he will be) to go through the simulation. Muahahah… ok, just joking… later 没人要 [no one want to marry me]!
To all my male readers out there, are you daring enough to challenge your pain threshold? Haha… do tell me whether you dare or not!
As for ladies, I guess you must be very glad some of the guys out there are willing to experience what you went through!

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!