YWLC | 100 Wishes: Empowering Women with Life Skills
Have anyone heard of YWLC?
If you haven’t before, you will know about it now! YWLC stands for Young Women’s Leadership Connection, an initiative launched in 2008 in Singapore to create a pipeline of women leaders and more opportunities for young women with leadership potential. Conceptualized by former Singapore Minister Mrs. Lim Hwee Hua and UBS Singapore, the YWLC provides a community engagement platform with mentorship, enrichment, networking opportunities for young women approaching or in the early stages of their careers.
Under the community engagement arm of YWLC, there is this flagship program called 100 Wishes. 100 Wishes is a life-skills program that YWLC run for the women shelters of Singapore. Thanks to my senior from Nanyang Junior College, Jia Ying, I was introduced to this program and got roped in to be involved in the first cycle of 100 wishes in 2014 with Singapore Anglican Community Services (SACS) Women’s Shelter, one of the four women’s shelters in Singapore.
There, I gave a grooming workshop to help the residents with Grooming and Career Development. There, I sponsored some basic make-up samples/products such as foundation, lipstick/gloss, eye make-up and blushes by giving away 90% of the make up and skin care products given to me during my beauty events and reviews. There were products from The Body Shop, Olay CC Cream, Starhub’s Lady First (女人我最大), Too Cool For School etc.
Revolving around 3 modules, Health & Wellness, Life Skills & Finance and Career Development, the workshops aim to uplift the well-being and improving the social mobility of vulnerable women, currently undergoing crisis in their lives. So after the workshop, the participants were provided the makeup products and had a hands-on session, followed by a photoshoot session for their resume photos.
This year in September 2015, the second cycle of 100 Wishes was carried out with Casa Raudha Women’s Home.
Preparing for YWLC 5th Year Anniversary at Shunji Matsuo Ngee Ann City
I was invited to the YWLC 5th Year Anniversary dinner at Raffles Town Club and decided to get dressed according to the theme: STAR: Share, Transform, Aspire, Reminisce.
I was planning to do some simple let down curls but Fannie, my hair stylist Fannie, had better ideas. She remembered how I told her I’ve always wanted to try red hair, but not sure if it would suit me. Surprisingly, she remembered that and decided to help fulfil my wish!
Instead of the usual Shiseido Colour, this time, Fannie use the Aveda Colour for my hair. With up to 99% naturally derived* with a signature blend of protective plant oils including sunflower, castor and jojoba oils infusing the hair with amazing shine for essentially damage-free results, the colours are fade-resistant and last longer!
Always love how tidy my tresses are after my treatment at Shunji! Don’t I look like a Sheep Dog now? Haha… So if you notice, my red strands are not obvious at all! They were all hidden beneath my fringe and long hair! This is so smart! I can hide it easily from my mum now! 😛
Now getting my hair styled! Unlike your usual hair styling session, I usually don’t know what Fannie will be doing as I like to leave everything to her and see what comes up.
Ta-dah! Here’s the back-view of my hair! I love how girl-y and princess-y it is (because I’m totally un-princessy like!) The plaits reveal the subtle red strands and gave a bold yet sweet look to it.
YWLC 5th Year Anniversary
Young Women’s Leadership Connection (“YWLC”) celebrated their 5th Year Anniversary on 29th of November 2015 with Minister Grace Fu, Guest-of-Honour, Chairperson of the YWLC Council of Advisors, Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources & Foreign Affairs. The event brought together mentors and members who have contributed to the achievements the past 5 years.
And here’s the OOTD for the event, nicely taken by my partner – Eden Ang, for the event.
If you are wondering, yes, this is Jia Ying, the Vice-Chairperson of the Young Women’s Leadership Connection, and my OGL (Orientation Group Leader) when I was back in Nanyang Junior College! Super proud to have a great senior like her! Pardon me for the lousy quality – I lost my iPhone 5S to the water some time back
And yes, my answer to many who asked me in private, I invited Eden Ang to attend the dinner with me and we spoke to many experienced and highly accomplished women who serve as mentors and role models on our table.
Eden thought he will know no one else at the event. But see who we met! Judee Tan, often known as “Kim Bong Cha” the North Korean correspondent on season 4 of The Noose! To check out more photos of the event, check out the YWLC Singapore Facebook Page and their official website!
Update: How Long Does The Red Tresses Last?
Some of you asked me how long did the red hair last. As I did not do any further bleaching to my hair, you can see that my red hair is on the darker side rather than brighter side. The colour of the long strands were pretty much gone within 2 weeks (I did my hair on 29th November), but the fringe do still have a light tint after more than a month! Pretty cool right?
Quote ‘Tiffany Yong‘ to receive 10% off any chemical service at Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio!Ngee Ann City aka Takashimaya
Tower B #05-23, 391 Orchard Road, Singapore 238872
Tel: (+65) 6238 1522/1514
Website: http://www.shunjimatsuo.com.sg/
Facebook Page: Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio
Mon – Sat: 10:00 – 19:30 (last appointment)
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Disclaimer: Please be rest assured that even though the products and services were sponsored, it does not have any bearing on the content of this post. Opinions stated are genuine and honest. Also note that all sources, information, content, links are valid to change at any time.

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!
I think she did a rather great job with the hair color and styles and you look great with the red highlights. As for that program, that seems like a great program for women and I hope it was able to help a lot of them.
So nice of you to teach them grooming skills and give away makeup basics… Btw, the red hair looks gorgeous on you!!
You are real blog celebrity over there, so that you get invited to so very many events with celebrities. You are very versatile with all sorts of topics in your blog.
Eden Yang, yes, he looks familier. Young Women’s Empowerment sounds like an excellant movement! I bet you enjoyed yourself!
What a great workshop to uplift women! I would love to be apart of something like this.
Tiffany, your hair looked beautiful! Suits you so well. What a wonderful event to attend and promote. Empowering girls is so important for self esteem and the future of this generation.
Those are really nice streaks. The hair combo added more character to your hair.
Loved your hairdo with a hint of reddish colour. It suits you very much and looks nice too.
That’s a good program for women. Women empowerment, yay! I love your hair color too!
Anything that empowers women, I’m all for it. This sounded like a fun event! Love the braided hair do!
thats really impressive work there!
Nice to know about this program and Glad that you are contributing for the society in your own way. Am a big fan of Eden Ang btw.
That’s cool!
What a beautiful thing to do for women who need a little push. That’s really admirable. I love the hair, by the way it really suits you! Thanks for sharing all these details about your experience, it’s very inspiring.
Nice dress and cool tresses. The YWLC sounds like a great endeavor. 🙂 -Claire Algarme
I’m currently in a JD program, and there’s a huge push to encourage more women in the legal profession. Apparently, the majority of lawyers are white and male, which is not representative of society, nor desirable in the long-run.