Annabelle Skin Review: Biogenie CBV 3001 Perfect Slimming treatment & Armonia Lipolysis treatment
I received a lot of comments and feedback after sharing my previous post on the thigh cellulite. Many friends and readers were curious if the treatments at Annabelle Skin Salon were effective. Well, I can’t exactly lift up my skirt and show you my current condition, so everyone gotta be patient and just follow the reviews!
In this post, I’m going to share with you two treatments I’ve experienced: the french Biogenie CBV 3001 Machine and the Armonia Machine.
Biogenie CBV 3001 Machine is a non-invasive solution to cellulite removal and skin lifting, tightening, toning and firming of the “Corps Buste Visage” which means Body, Bust, Face. The machine can be adjusted according to each individual’s needs, providing effective face lift treatment to body sculpting service.
While many salons might use other products during the treatment, Annabelle Skin uses the same range of Biogenie Products so that it provides optimal results. These plant/ flower-based products help in the detoxification, breakdown of cellulite, drainage of water retention, reduction of fat, re-shaping of body contour and toning.
The above products are used in order:
1. DTX – Detoxicant (remove toxins on skin level and enhance product penetration)
2. Lymphorga (stimulate lymphatic drainage)
3. Cellulorga (stimulate fat-burning receptors)
4. HTC – Huile Technique Corps: Body Technical Oil (enhance smooth suction for fat lipolysis and cellulite breakdown)
5. Rafforga (slimming and firming)
First, Mandy, my therapist used the Biogenie DTX (consist mainly of Ficaire extract, ivy, witch hazel, azulen, chestnut, pine, sweet almond and tomato extract) which helps regulate cellular metabolism and remove cellular waste on skin level. It also helps to soften and balance the epidermis, and prepare the skin for product absorption. You can see the amount of toxin (>.<) on my skin shown on the sponge after application.
Next, comes my most feared part of the treatment. The machine has this handle which is responsible for (my pain) breaking down the cellulite on my thighs. It has two functions: The Electro aesthetics and the Vacuum.
The handle has a central depression surrounded with a crown of 6 balls with cellular electro-aesthetics inside. The balls will create electromagnetic waves hence, allowing an increase of the conductivity of sodium through membranes, and therefore the absorption of products.
The central depression acts as a vacuum and do light suction motion on the skin. This action helps allow better lymphatic drainage, tissue oxygenation and elimination of wastes. It also promote lipolysis and decongest the hypodermis. With prolong use, the skin will also look firmer, toned and lifted due to the stimulation of elastin fibres.
Unknown to many, cellulite are formed due to long hours of sedentary lifestyle (Yes, office ladies, that’s you!) which results in poor blood circulation, lower metabolism and hence the hardening of fats. Hence, to undo the “damage” we’ve caused, the cellular electroesthetics, micro-currents and suction delivered through the head of the Biogenie machine work together with Biogenie products to get the circulation going!
No pain No loss.
Armonia Lipolysis Maching
On the other hand, the Armonia Machine is a treatment to signify that not all slimming treatments are so “painful”. I was having bad stomach cramps and period on the treatment day and was on the verge of cancelling my appointment when the therapist told me they will work out something to alleviate the pain. I was given a heated bed to soothe my stomach-pains and a light massage to condition the body.
Armonia is a comprehensive body care equipment including slimming, toning and re-shaping. This equipment employs electro–stimulation method with 18 programs which perform automatic frequency and wave shapes. It allows combination of 2 to 3 programs by varying frequencies and wave shapes into one treatment.
The pads are placed on targetted spots and electric pulses were adjusted according to my comfort and tolerance. It felt like tiny twitches and I was left to nap for a while. The machine help break down the “hardened” lipids by stimulating lymphatic-venous circle and provide in-depth toning action on all muscle fibres without having to work out.
It is definitely more relaxing than Biogenie CBV 3001 Machine!
I guess many “slimming enthusiasts” are aware of how many slimming salon try to sell slimming packages by the different machines. So when you are 3- 4 sessions into your packages, the therapists will tell you that your package will be more effective if you use another machine (Yes, top up more money please!)
But for Annabelle Skin, the programme is done in a personalised way where different methods are used according to each body condition to achieve the desired result. Annabelle employs both traditional method (slimming manual massage, slimming products and wrapping) and advanced technology (Radio Frequency fat reduction equipment, French body shaping equipment, Italian slimming equipment) to reduce cellulite and restore physique.
Full Body Slimming & Contouring (60-75 min) 全身健康纤体疗程
Intensive target areas reduction (35-50 min) 重点修身疗程
Single Area Slimming (25-35 min) 局部瘦身护理
Programme Types: CBV 3001 Perfect Slimming treatment | RF Fat Burning treatment | Slimming Blu Infra Ray treatment | Armonia Lipolysis and Toning treatment | Swedish Sauna Edema Reduction treatment | Algae Fat Burning & Skin Refining treatment | Dead Sea Mud Cellulite & Orange Peel treatment
Annabelle Skin: The Adelphi, 1 Coleman Street #02-42, Singapore 179803
Contact: +65 6336 8975 | E-mail:
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 11.30am – 8.30pm | Sat: 10am – 5pm | Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
For more information: Visit Annabelle Skin Website | Facebook Page
Just For You: Readers can enjoy 1st trial of slimming session at $88 (Up to $178) when you quote “Tiffany Yong”
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*Disclosure: Please be rest assured that even though the services were sponsored, it does not have any bearing on the content of this post. Opinions stated are genuine and honest. Also note that all sources, information, content, links are valid to change at any time.

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!
Cellulites are my worst enemy as well. Would love too try a slimming machine too. Is the bruise on your leg normal after day 1 of the treatment or your skin is just sensitive to pressure?
I was offered a similar service to remove cellulite but I was reluctant to try. After reading your post, I think I will give it a shot.
I haven’t tried anything like this yet. Maybe when I start working out regularly and see weight loss, I just might invest! This is becoming a thing nowadays.
Nice review. Very descriptive! It’ll be very helpful for people who look forward to this treatment. Is it a new technique or has it been in the market for a while?
Looks like this treatment is quite good also. My goal for 2016 is to trim my flabby lower abdomen.
These procedures and machines look sophisticated. I am sure that many women would love to experience the slimming treatment and see how effective it will be for them.
I was awaiting this post after ur 1st part. Glad this works…
You know I had no idea that cellulite was caused by me sitting on my butt all day when I used to be a secretary. Wow, that sure is good to know. I wonder if I can do a treatment like this here and what the cost would be.
I look forward to your succeeding posts to see how the results are after a week or two. I’ve encountered about these treatment only now so I’m interested to know the effects on your body.
I think I badly need this… it looks painful with the bruise on your thighs. Thankfully you can hide them under your clothes, hahah!!
really valuable advise that i can share with my female friends 😀
As long as there is a licensed doctor there with you who knows what is safe or not, this pain is the price you pay for beauty. Anyhow, it looks great so far.
I’ve never done any sort of treatments like this but I can’t say I’m not curious! Your experience makes me even more curious and interested in it. Thanks for sharing! I’ve always wanted to know a little about these things.
This is such an interesting treatment! I’ve never heard of Biogenie until now! 😀
I am sure you were able to get rid of cellulites with the treatment. I guess it also helps to be active to avoid the formation of cellulites.
That’s quite a process. I’ve never known or heard about this type of treatment. Great review though. Gives a lot of people a clear picture on what to expect. Thanks for sharing.
Am always curious about these types of treatments though have not yet dared to try them out. Thanks for sharing your experience in detail.
I have heard about them but never thought to try any of those slimming session as i feel they are not that promising but never tried these personalised one.
Personally, I think you have really nice skin as it is. But that looks like an awesome treatment! Pretty helpful for ladies who want to have younger looking skin too.