Armpit Hair? Or not!
I believe most people would have seen this trending on Facebook or other social media channels, how girls are showing off their armpit hair or dyeing them to demonstrate “personal choice and expression to help broaden and challenge the standard of ‘beauty’ in a society that already places way too many harmful standards on women.”

I won’t say I’m against these ladies trying to go au naturale, and the #FreeYourPits Campaign is indeed something women empowering but I feel that wanting to keep your underarm bare should be a personal choice too! Just like how people preferring their coffee in different ways, some girls will like the underarm hair-less… like me!
My Underarm IPL Experience at Annabelle Skin
Most girls wouldn’t need reasons for wanting a hair-free underarm. Shaving the uneven surface leaves unsightly stubbles, and sometimes even in-grown hair which hurts like a bad pimple! Not shaving? This means the higher tendency for body odour in a humid and warm country like Singapore!

Which is why, an IPL hair removal treatment is definitely a preferred solution as compared to shaving.
(FYI) IPL which stands for Intense Pulsed Light is a technology which uses the emission of light energy to hit specific area without damaging the surrounding skin. The pulsed light acts directly on the hair follicle, using the hair as a heat conductor. The light energy, attracted by the melanin in the hair reaches the hair root, destroying it if it is in an active phase (growth), this process is called photothermolysis.
(06/10/2015) As you can see, I have an uneven underarm skin tone. According to my therapist, it was because of the IPL treatments I had previously, these treatments actually help to lighten the skin colour, but when the therapists do not cover the whole surface equally with the same number of IPL shots, it will result in patchy skin tone >.
Yea, that sucks right? How I wish the hair can just not grow there.
So for Annabelle Skin, they use the Focus Light Machine by Neoglis Medical Technology® which is a revolutionary technique for treating progressive permanent epilation. This equipment has this special function of selective photothermolysis, which allows the differentiation between skin temperature and bulb: the first will remain within safe limits while the temperature of the bulb will reach levels that cause its thermal destruction.
Underarm IPL without Gel
It wasn’t my first time doing IPL, so what’s the difference at Annabelle Skin Salon? When I hear IPL, I think about beauty, whitening, pigmentation removal, hair removal and thick layers of Gel! Here, instead of the usual Gel IPL, the therapist used ice instead.
To be truthful, I’m skeptical about this treatment when they told me that’s all they are going to use only ice. Therapist use Gel to provide a form of cooling for the skin and help diffuse the heat. So I don’t wish to be scalded or burnt! My first ever IPL experience was from a cheap groupon deal which also had no gel and it gave me an ultra bad experience because it hurts a lot. That treatment gave off a burning smell (burning of the hair?) so it was pretty traumatising for a first-timer.
Here, the Focus Light IPL had a form of cooling to protect the skin, and the flexibility of the equipment allows to set parameters considering the characteristics of skin and hair, making it possible to personalize the treatment according to specific needs. The ice helps to numb the skin while the IPL (without the layer of gel) is able to have a direct and focused shot on the covered skin instead of having the light pulses diffracted through a medium (gel).
A post-treatment product – Starpil Post Epil Mousse is applied on the skin. The mousse helps softens, moisturises, disinfects, heals, prevents ingrown hair and delays hair growth.
Review: Annabelle Skin Underarm IPL – How Effective?
While each individual’s hair follicle reacts differently to the treatment, I had two sessions two weeks apart. One was on 6th October and the other on 20th October 2015.
(Update on 10th December 2015) I stopped the treatment to see how long the growth was retarded (or slowed down). I didn’t have to worry about shaving for almost 6 weeks before very fine hair started growing again. This was what two treatments of underarm IPL at Annabelle Skin Salon did for me!
Annabelle Skin:The Adelphi, 1 Coleman Street #02-42, Singapore 179803
Contact: +65 6336 8975 | E-mail:
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 11.30am – 8.30pm | Sat: 10am – 5pm | Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
For more information: Visit Annabelle Skin Website | Facebook Page
Just For You: Readers can enjoy 1st trial of IPL underarm at $98 (Up to $148) when you quote “Tiffany Yong”
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*Disclosure: Please be rest assured that even though the services were sponsored, it does not have any bearing on the content of this post. Opinions stated are genuine and honest. Also note that all sources, information, content, links are valid to change at any time.

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!
This is definitely a new treatment for me. Hair is definitely a no for me so maybe this is something to think about. thanks for sharing!
gosh! haha tis is a new one for me.. though i think it’s fine regardless if you shave or not. hehe it all depends on the preference of people. 🙂 great post!
Im sure my wife will love to go to this place, but I’m not sure if they have one in the Philippines. Do they? What i did before is just bought her a hair removal creme, Nair, so she doesn’t need to shave anymore
What a hashtag — #FreeYourPits! LOL! This is a sensitive topic for ladies about a very sensitive area of the body. We are more used to seeing that area clean and hairless though.
That sounds good. I’m still so scared to laser hair removal for the fear of pain!!!
I think I know some of my girl friends who needs this. Haha I am not shaving my arm pit. And yes, it doesn’t matter for us men. But most of my friends who were girls, wants a smooth arm pit. They need this.
I agree that it is a matter of personal choice. For humid countries like Singapore and the Philippines, it is better to go hairless. Thanks for sharing this technology.
I’m not too familiar with the concept of IPL but this Gel-less process is so cool! Effective way to get rid of unwanted hair 😀
It’s nice to know that the under arm treatment worked on you. I’m sure it would yield even better results once you have more treatments.
Jealous of the flawless underarm. I am considering getting a laser treatment mid this year since I’m still nursing my son and it’s not recommended. This is a great initiative though. But worth it for a hairless underarm.
I did the arm pit laser 3 years ago. It has been my happiest and best investment really.
Wow, gel less IPL? That really is something new. I’ve never heard of any IPL treatment here in our country that offers anything like that.
I haven’t heard of this treatment before or maybe I have but never looked into it. It’s really nice to know that it’s effective.
Because I don’t like shaving and I don’t prefer waxing, I also have done 10 sessions of IPL. It’s very effective and now I don’t need to worry about growing hairs on the underarm.
Very interesting post here. Thank you for sharing this review. Keep it up!
Well yes it’s obviously everyone’s personal choice whether to keep their armpit underarm hair or shave them but I think it’s looks to nasty to have hair there.Anyway your review about this product is very nice and well described, so as per your review this product seems promising for those who like to shave their underarm.
Underarm IPL is good, i did it a few years ago and now the hair grow is very slow and helps to boost the collagen around the treated area.