Seventh (守夜) Movie Review | by
Recommended Audience: Fans of Gino 宇腾(台湾) Mindee 王欣(新加坡) Teddy 陈立谦(馬來西亞) Kim 邓绣金(馬來西亞) 管梓君(中国), romantic, horror, comedy movie fans
Seventh (守夜) Movie Synopsis
In order to win the first prize in a ghost photography contest, a quarrelsome couple visits a famous “haunted mansion” in a remote village. Upon arrival, they chance upon the funeral of a 70 year-old housekeeper who had passed away due to a terrible illness. Meanwhile, the housekeeper’s grandson decides to spend the night at the funeral for a large sum of prize money. The housekeeper’s grandson and the couple unknowingly enter a mysterious dimension and realize that there is someone – or something – else in the mansion…
Seventh (守夜) Viewer Rating: 4.5/5 ****
Seventh (守夜) Movie Review:
“Seventh (守夜) is a funny, scary and touching movie.” Is this even possible? When I first describe to my friend after watching this movie without trying to spoil the story, that was the first thing that came to my mind. You will know it when you catch a film and see that the director/script writer tries too hard to cater to the mass with so many different genre. But here, surprising, it managed to amuse me, scare me and touched me (Yes, I cried) within the short timespan of 99 minutes.
“这是一部又好笑、又恐怖、又感人的电影。” 真的有这样一种电影吗?看完电影,想要介绍给朋友时,这是第一个想到的形容词。其实,我很意外,还以为一部这样的电影 应该会很“乱来”,很罗惹(Rojak),好像编剧或导演太过想把很多元素参杂在一起,却没有任何的重点。但《守夜》却在短短的99分钟内感动到我、吓倒我 还让我开怀大笑。
I’m actually quite impressed that this is a Malaysian film. Not that I’m looking down on local films, but many films are restricted by low budget (P.S. Even high budget films might not be good!). To have a team of cast from Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, it is not easy to Not sound out of place when the film has so much Malaysian colloquial language. A friend of mine did not really catch some of the jokes when they were in dialect, but if you get it, you will love it. I’m not a person who is easily amused, but this film really got me laughing a lot. If there’s anything to fault about the film, it will be exaggerated special effects when Ah Ying (Mindee) turned into her true self. But regardless, it’s still better than “The White Hair Witch of Lunar Kingdom” (白发魔女传之明月天国).
马来西亚能拍出这样好的一部片,我其实很感动。不是瞧不起本土片,只是很多片因为资金有限 而不能拍出好电影 (就连有资金也不代表拍的好!)。此外,一部含有那么多马来西亚方言和道地语言的电影,要由来自台湾、新加坡和马来西亚的演员来带出来,真的很不容易。其实我有个朋友并不太了解里头的一些方言笑话,但其实如果你了解,你一定会很爱看这个电影。我并不是一个笑点很低的人,但大炮和咪咪却让我笑翻了!如果要说哪里不好,应该就只有阿瑛变成真身的时候吧。虽说夸张,但还是比白发魔女多好多了!
Gino’s performance surprised me. I mean, I knew he was from Taiwan boyband K One, but I was never crazy about him. His roles in “Prince Turn Frog” (王子变青蛙) and beauties of the Emperor (王的女人) was pretty good, but often overshadowed by the main lead. In my memory, he was the good looking badass who walk with a swag, and this time, it’s no exception. My first thought when the film started was, OK, so is he going to be the good badass again? I like his performance this time round as his character has a lot of inner conflict and his role is a huge contrast to the other two counterparts who took care of the comedy portion.
宇腾的表现给了我很大的惊喜。我知道他是 台湾舞蹈团体 K ONE的队长,他在《王子变青蛙》里的张明寒 和 《王的女人》的项荘 的表现不错,但常被男主角的光芒遮盖。 在我的记忆力,他是个帅帅的坏人,这次,也不例外。可是这次的 陈忠义一角,有很多内心戏,跟他戏里其他两个搞笑的伙伴 (林木森 和蕭咪咪)有了和大的对比。
I love the performance of Kim as Mimi, the super irritating, Super sarcastic and SUPER Hilarious girl who spoke like a machine gun in this film. Her pairing with Da Pao (acted by Teddy) was superb. Their chemistry was so good that my jaw dropped as they “shoot” at one another.
我超爱 邓秀金 饰演的萧咪咪,那超级烦人、超级讽刺、超级搞笑的女生,她那像机关枪似的对白,加上和 陈立谦的大炮 默契真是绝佳。两人一人一句搭腔的配合真是让我不得不举指赞好。
This is a story with a lot of subtle points that doesn’t make sense initially, but you will get the sense of revelation as the story unfold. I had to applaud for its ability to catch me unguarded (given that I regard myself as someone who noticed intrinsic details easily). So this is definitely a film I will recommend people to watch, if you are wondering how good is the “Good” I’m saying, it’s the type I will want to catch more than once!
如果你细心的观察,会发现有很多 有些奇怪的点,但故事慢慢展开后,你的疑问也会慢慢一个个被解答。我自认是个观察细微的影评人,所以能让我没发现、还有惊喜的影片,可算是部好片!。有多好?好到我想再看一次!
Do You Know?
Gino was the leader of dance boyband K One, and he was labelled as the “big chest man” in the production. 宇騰是舞蹈团体K ONE的团长,被剧组戏谑为“大奶的男人”。
Unlike his character in the show, Gino was quite timid. He was scared of cold, scared of bugs, scared of dark, and scared of ghost.
The kiss was not in the script and Gino requested for it so as to show how much the character loved Ah Ying.
It was Mindee’s first on-screen kiss and she was having a cough on that day during filming. As they were hanging in the air during the kiss scene, she coughed into Gino’s mouth and asked him to take more vitamin C after that!
Behind The Scenes and Interviews
Check out Seventh (守夜) Facebook Page!
Seventh (守夜) is out in Shaw cinemas on 6 November 2014.
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*Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for the movie review.

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!
Sounds like a great movie! My wife is a horror fan movie.
To be honest scary movies freak me out! Lol! I think it’s the old age! But I like that they added comedy!
I’m not fond of scary movies since watching The Ring LOL. But this appear to be different as they injected comedy as well.
I think it’s a growing trend now where other Asian actors and musicians get to act in a different asian country’s film. I notice that too in the Philippines.
Oh man this sounds terrifying, I think I’ll stick to my Disney Musicals and How I Met Your Mother marathons.
We have never had a Malaysian movie shown in our country that I know of, so I’m not sure I will get to see it. We do get a lot of Thai horror films shown here though. – Fred
You know I used to love scary movies but now that I’m older I kinda lost interest. However, this film looks really interesting though! New concept! 🙂
i Went to the premier for this one! it was really quite moving for me
Sounds like a really spooky movie! And the story is really interesting. Might watch it over the weekend 🙂
I’d love to see the movie even though I’m not a fan of scary flicks. This one sounds like fun and a tad smarter than some in the horror genre. Btw, I love K One’s music.
It’s nice to see a movie that can be funny and scary. It looks like a really unique movie which you can enjoy.
Wow! One detailed review, I am amazed that you really did your homework! 🙂 I am a fan of horror movies, and with this, i might look for a copy of this one, or has it been shown in my place? hmmm, thanks for this review, one more movie on the list.haha and they’re piling up…lol. I have to start watching these…
The movie poster is very intriguing. If I saw this in our cinemas, I’d definitely watch it. I love horror movies and those movies that has stories that unfold before the ending.
I hope they play this film here!i was a huge fan of K One many years ago, so it’s nice to know that Gino is still good with his acting.
I haven’t heard of this film yet, but this a fab review. x
Interesting story! A movie which is both funny and scary is definitely something different!
A fantastic, thorough review! Have to admit I do not like horror films, no matter how much comedy there is, so cannot imagine this would be up my street. Fingers crossed you review an action film next! 😉 Simone x
I wish I can watch this movie too. Looks good the movie!!^^
Seems like a nice movie to watch. And oh, did I say I am a fan of horror movies too? This is a catch.
Nice review of this movie – Seventh, never heard this movie but it seems good similar to Pinoy movie style.