Wreck-it Ralph Movie Review | By tiffanyyong.com
Wreck-it Ralph Movie Synopsis
Walt Disney Animation Studios and Emmy®-winning director Rich Moore take moviegoers on a hilarious, arcade-game-hopping journey in “Wreck-It Ralph.” Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly) is tired of being overshadowed by Fix-It Felix (voice of Jack McBrayer), the “good guy” star of their game who always gets to save the day. But after decades doing the same thing and seeing all the glory go to Felix, Ralph decides he’s tired of playing the role of a bad guy. He takes matters into his own massive hands and sets off on a game-hopping journey across the arcade through every generation of video games to prove he’s got what it takes to be a hero.
On his quest, he meets the tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (voice of Jane Lynch) from the first-person action game Hero’s Duty. But it’s the feisty misfit Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Sarah Silverman) from the candy-coated cart racing game, Sugar Rush, whose world is threatened when Ralph accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens the entire arcade. Will Ralph realize his dream and save the day before it’s too late?
Can’t Wait to Watch it!
This is definitely a different animation compared to the rest. I saw this trailer six months ago in the cinemas and had been anticipating the movie ever since! Do you know that besides the main character Ralph, there are also many other game characters that will appear cameo? They are Bowser from the Mario series, Doctor Eggman from Sonic the Hedgehog, Neff from Altered Beast, Characters from Qbert (Qbert, Coily, Slick, Sam and Ugg), Chun-Li, Cammy and Blanka from Street Fighter, Pac-Man, Blinky, Pinky, and Inky from Pac-Man, the Paperboy from Paperboy, the two paddles and the ball from Pong, Dig Dug, a Pooka, and a Fygar from Dig Dug, The Qix from Qix.
Haha… so out of the looooooong list I gave, how many characters do you actually know? WRECK-IT RALPH is the first animation movie I actually anticipated for, because it really brings back a lot of memories, back to the days when mobile phone and arcade games are still in pixels. And this movie is suitable for both adults and kids! Adults can reminisce the days of WRECK-IT RALPH (If you have played the game before) or even sonic the hedgehog, while the kids enjoy the funny and cute animation. What’s interesting is how this animation actually gave ‘life’ to the game characters. I can definitely relate to Ralph having to be the “bad” guy all the time, ALL his LIFE!
I usually a sucker for the main character, so Ralph is definitely my favourite (since I have yet to watch the show). Especially with his “body builder” look, which make him look manly and awkward at the same time, I can’t help but feel sorry for him. And guess what, without the “bad guys” in the plot, there wouldn’t be good guys either, because good guys aren’t good without the bad! (Hope you get what I mean!)
P.S. I kinda like Vanellope von Schweetz for her looks (cuz like her, I’m petite, have big eyes and I used to have long hair like her too), but she looked quite irritating in the trailer! Dang! haha…
Viewer Rating: 4/5 ****
Wreck-it Ralph Movie Review
The movie is so….. CUTE! It is a refreshing change to watch a show from the antagonist’s point of view. I like the twist where (Spoiler ahead!) Vanellope von Schweetz actually turn out to be someone important (Ok, I’ve decided not to spoil the fun. I like the one particular quote where all the bad guys have to “hypnotize” themselves by saying “I am bad and that’s good. I will never be good and that’s not bad.” Ralph repeated it near the end, adding “There is no one I would rather be than me.” which is rather touching.

Watch the Behind the Scenes of Wreck-it Ralph here!
Catch Disney’s WRECK-IT RALPH in Singapore cinemas this 20 December 2012 and like the Official Walt Disney Studios Singapore Facebook Page, follow @disneystudiosSG and subscribe to the Official Disney Studios Singapore YouTube Channel!

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!