Channel U: Crossroads Kinship 十字路口 (亲情)
Episode 3 Kinship: The pressures of life and caring for his mother who is suffering from dementia is taking a toll on the son. Should he send his mother to an old folk’s home?
In this episode (Channel U, 9pm 09/07/2013), Ben Yeo, our local celebrity host was also invited to share his experience!

This is a topic where I guess majority of the audience will say NO! (and the Polling results proved so!) I voted for no too, but during the discussion, do you know that the decision was quite tough to make?

As the other panellists shared how they had to take care of their parent who suffered from dementia and other illness, the time, effort and money spent on the parent is tremendous. I always feel that filial piety is an admirable quality, and I couldn’t bear having my parent to be staying alone in an old folks’ home.

But someone said, “You haven’t experienced it, that’s why it is easy to say NO.”
It was then I put myself in the situation. If I have my own family, married with kids, and I have to cope with my work and household chores, with my parent or my husband’s parent down with dementia, what will I do? It is always easier to want to take care of my own parents, but what about my spouse’s parent?
I could be subjected to all sorts of “insults” and trouble when he/she couldn’t remember me.

It is always important (for me at least) to always remember how my parents took care of me when I was a child. They were my everything back then, and this time, when they have aged, I would be their everything. This is the reason why I couldn’t let myself put them in an old folks’ home.

I was surprised when I heard from the consultant that Singapore DO have day-care centres for old folks too (it works like Kindergarten or child-care centre). I believe that in the worst case scenerio, that would be the furthest I would go to help alleviate the situation.
I know my decision above might be too idealised, since I have yet to reach the point in life. But I definitely DO hope my parents or my future spouse’s parents (whoever they may be) will be healthy and happy! So do share with me your opinions and views!

十字路口 Behind The Scenes

Feel free to share with me your opinions and thoughts after watching the show here!
Photos with courtesy from moving visuals production

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!
I love your outfit, you looks so cute.^^
Thanks Christin 🙂
It was a sponsored outfit from a friend’s blogshop!