Shunji’s Steps to Maintaining Healthy Looking Hair
There are many online DIY tips and home-care suggestions, but somehow, I never really dare to try any of them, as some of the tips and tricks felt dodgy. So on this particular trip to Shunji Matsuo, I got to learn basic advice from Fannie, my stylist, which I thought I will share with you guys.
I was actually requesting for a hair colour change, and perhaps to do some changes to my hairstyle, but upon seeing my hair condition, Fannie was horrified and suggested to do some treatment instead. I was quite surprised, because my previous hair sponsors were all very keen to do bold and funky hair changes to my hair. But in Shunji Matsuo, they were more concern about the health condition of my hair instead!
The Shiseido Hair Spa 7 Steps Treatment
So Fannie suggested that I undergo the Shiseido Hair Spa treatment once more, and as I did the treatment, I wondered what else can I write about it, after-all, I did it just 2 months ago! I got the assistant to help introduce the products to me, and through the treamtnet, I learnt a few tips to maintain healthy looking (if not, frizz-free) hair!
(1) Use the Same Brand or Same Line of Shampoo and Conditioner
This is not a MUST, but using the same line of hair products with similar formulation will produce better results, as they are made for a specific hair type and have a specific purpose. This is also why Shunji Matsuo uses the same brand for their treatments.
(2) Daily Conditioning. In the Right Way
If your hair had undergone any form of chemical treatment (rebonding or hair dyeing) like me, it is important to use a conditioner after every wash to prevent frizzy hair. But apply it 2 inches away from scalp as conditioning the scalp will make it oily. Conditioners are made to seal moisture in the hair shaft, not the scalp.
(3) Cool Water is Good For Your Hair
Using water that is room temperature or even cold water can make your hair shinier and less frizzy. It also help blood circulation to the scalp and make it cleaner!
(4) Frequent Trims for Healthy Looking Hair
Trimming away the split ends will make your hair look tidier and healthier. I was on the receiving end of a portion of damaged hair due to my prior chemical treatments in other salons, and before I can start growing my hair, I have to trim it every month so that the damaged hair is fully removed.
Well, it doesn’t take a genius to see what a huge difference my hair is after the treatment. I will strongly recommend this Shiseido Hair Spa Indulgence if you are preparing for a big event and wish to have healthy looking hair!
Quote ‘Tiffany Yong‘ to receive 10% off any chemical service by international director stylist: Fannie
Ngee Ann City aka Takashimaya
Tower B #05-23, 391 Orchard Road, Singapore 238872
Tel: (+65) 6238 1522/1514
Facebook Page: Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio
Mon – Sat: 10:00 – 19:30 (last appointment)
Sun: 10:00 – 17:30 (last appointment)
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Disclaimer: Please be rest assured that even though the products and services were sponsored, it does not have any bearing on the content of this post. Opinions stated are genuine and honest. Also note that all sources, information, content, links are valid to change at any time.

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!
Your hair is sooo beautiful! Lovely post 🙂
sharing this post with my friends 🙂 thanks for sharing this post.
I agree that the key to healthy looking hair is regularly trimming it, I noticed that when I skip that part no matter what nutritive shampoos I use, or nutritive substances I intake the effect is not the same as a regular cut of the dry ends.
After spa, hair does look so moisturised and smooth. Every girl will enjoy a spa session every now and then.
Those photos of your hair are really very graphic. You can clearly see the damage, and how good it looks after the treatment. How often do you have to do this? Maybe too expensive to do often? – Fred
They did an awesome job on your hair. I love that brand as they make excellent skincare products too.
Cool water is good for the hair. I like that. Gonna share this post to my friends.
I always tell my two daughter to wash their hair with cool water and not warm water, but they always insist they love warm water for their hair. Good thing you’ve posted it so that they can read it. *they’re reading it now
Your hair looks amazing afterwards! I always mix brands, maybe I should stick to one and see the results for myself
The difference is really evident. It would also help relax the hair from those wave curls.
wow your hair look very glossy. I recently went through a hair treatment myself and these treatments bring quite a remarkable change to the hair.
Thanks for sharing this post on how to maintian healthy hair. You girls really need it.
I’ve actually never really tried using cold water on my hair. I usually wash my hair in hot/warm water. I’m going to have to give that a try. I know we have those products here and I might try them on my own hair and see what difference it makes.
One can really tell the difference! Thanks for sharing. This helps me as well since I have colored hair would be nice to be pampered with a hair treatment for my frizzy hair
The difference is remarkable! Definitely worth treating your hair every so often! They say to wash hair in cold water as hot water makes the sebrum wake up and will make your hair look greasy quicker – cold water does make it shiny too! 🙂 Sim x
I do agree that before we make huge changes to our hair, like colouring and other chemically-damaging processes, it’s important to keep our hair healthy. I myself go for scalp/hair treatments once a month to maintain the shine and its health.
I need to try using cold water. I’ve always been a warm ( sometimes a little hot ) water kind of girl, but if it’s going to make my hair shinier, I’ll follow your cold water tip. If I do chance upon Shiseido Hair Spa here in my country, I will definitely give it a try. I’m a sucker for hair treatments – one of the bazillion things that I really love about being a girl.