One Year Old| Two New Identities | Triple the Joy!
Yea, this website is officially 1-year-old today! This site has grown over the past one year, and many of the achievements would not be accomplished without the support of you (yes! the “you” who is reading this post right now!). When I first port my site from “wheremagicexist” WordPress to this site, I was an inexperienced blogger who had little content to start with. Unlike many full-time bloggers, I did not become one because I am earning from my site. I started writing because I wanted to have flexible hours for my acting projects.
One year later, I’m starting to see the direction I want to head towards. My website has become a place where I share my movie reviews, my acting experiences, my personal experiences and opinions of sponsored travel trips, products and service. Besides these, I have two more identities where I will be sharing something different on those sites.
The Purist @ Honeyzcube
A purist is one who desires that an item remain true to its essence and free from diluting influences.
The Purist can be interpreted in a few ways. For me, a purist is a minimalist. If you’ve been reading my acne-battling posts, you will be able to see how I try to solve the problem by using alkaline water, acupuncture and exercise. Even for my facials, I was asked to use minimal make up (or go without makeup). I have readers who interpret “Purist” as someone who encourage the use of natural or organic products, which is something I will love to explore some day.
Together with the two other bloggers, Juliana (the Polymath) and Miss Rusty (the artist), we form Singapore’s SHE the belles of Honeyzcube. Juliana Chong, founder of Honeyzcube is good in various areas like fashion and beauty, hence the title: Polymath. Miss Rusty is the artistic beauty blogger who loves to play with colours and is bold and creative with her make up. (Read more about them here)
At Honeyzcube Blog, we provide reviews and tips from different angles, providing readers different voices/opinions in a single place. I will be writing more beauty and fashion related articles (which will not be posted here) on Honeyzcube Blog, so do check that out!
Singapore Correspondent for
I met Rano during my sponsored trip to Brunei, and became good friends (as Singapore is almost like his second home!). Rano owns Brunei’s number one social news site and invited me to write more content about Singapore as his readers love coming to Singapore (for shopping)!
There, the articles I write will be more formal and event/promotion-based. So you won’t have to worry about similar content!
Triple Tiffany = Triple Joy(?)
Now that you know I’m splitting myself into three, you will be more forgiving if I don’t write here as often right? 🙂
Besides that, I am currently on a “long-term” tour with Malaysia Tourism and Gaya Travel magazine for their #VMY2014 (Visit Malaysia Year 2014) campaign. I have just returned from the #C1MTA (Celebrate 1 Malaysia Truly Asia): Perak Fam Trip, which explains my absence here! Ok, I guess I should just be more hard-working and stop finding excuses~
A quick (one-sentence) teaser to share about my Perak trip here: It was a unique experience as it was my first time travelling alone, plus I got to be on Malaysia’s promo video and even guest-host for Spotlive TV! I won’t say anymore for now~ Look out for upcoming posts!
(Pssst… follow me on my Facebook/Instagram/Twitter if you want live updates instead!).

1/2 of #TheEpiphanyDuplet, Tiffany Yong juggles her ABCs – Acting, Blogging and Coaching/Consulting as she is fuelled by passion and drive to succeed.
It is not easy to make a living in Singapore just purely based on Acting, so with Blogging to help her with her online presence, and Coaching kids drama, private tutoring and freelance social media consulting to finance her life, she is currently leading the life most people hope to have: Living the Dream!